

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back in America and Mexico Bound!

It was a whirlwind trip through Canada as we drove from Prince Rupert to Cache Creek the first day, and then on the second day we drove from Cache Creek all the way on in to Hood River, Oregon.  We kept our eyes peeled for animals in Canada, but we probably saw more decoys in yards than actual animals!

We stopped off yesterday and saw Mark's brother Dave at a hatchery along the Columbia River by Wenatchee and got to tag a few steelhead- it was essentially the same job Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs did with him last year, so we are almost movie stars.

We motored in to Oregon late around 10 pm crossing the Columbia River again, and spent the night at Mark's parents house, visiting with them for a while.  Today we spent time getting some more of our equipment together and visiting more of Mark's relatives before motoring out of Hood River and down to Portland- then back over the river to Washington to see Mark's sister and family- then back over the river and on down to Wilsonville, Oregon for the evening.  Tomorrow we will head on down to California and be one step closer to Mexico.

The car is working well even though we lost a windshield wiper this afternoon while getting on to I-5- I was able to grab it and duct tape it on the fly.  It is raining pretty good today- so much that we will probably have to pump out the kayaks tomorrow- and they haven't gotten off the roof yet!  None of the water in the boat is actually from the Multnomah Falls that you see in the picture!

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to come visit us in San Clemente, CA, as you head through southern Orange county. We are nearly halfway between LA and San Diego, just off I-5. Here are a couple of cell phone #'s: Paul's 907-401-0235 and Deidra's 907-401-3456. If you aren't in a hurry, you can borrow a couple of surf boards and try it out! World class surfing happens in San Clemente. Of course, not in our family yet!
