Today has been a relaxing day as the weather has been a bit windy and the forecast doesn´t look to good for the near future. We may be here another of couple of days if not more? To tell you how long we have been here, we are starting to know all the taco stand owners/operators and also met an indiviual who pitched a 19 strikeout game in 1967. He also claims to know Fernando Valenzuela.
We have seen a lot of baseball players, young and adult, walking around town in uniform. We walked a few miles today trying to find a ball field, but could only find a soccer field and a donkey in a truck. We did however run into two individuals that are biking south on Mex 1, originating in California. One of the bicyclists plans to ride to Guatemala and the other to Nicaragua. Again, this seems to confirm our idea and plans are not so wild, don´t you all agree?
Other notables for the day are we saw a parade of 5 dancing girls, one tarzan and 6 tigers! We think they were part of an organized carni group planning on putting on a show in La Paz or Cabo San Lucas.
Although we are enjoying Santa Rosalia, we are missing being out on the water catching our fish for taco dinners. We found a great fresh produce stand and we plan on doing it right this time. We are going to load up on goodies to go with the fresh fish. The picture below is a boon and crocket Cabrilla caught about 100 miles ago.
Mark and Doug! It was a pleasure to meet you and swap silly stories. Have a fabulous paddle south, take lot's of photos. We'll be following you as internet allows. Heidi and Stephen.