

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We have arrived in Santa Rosalia!!!

First off, we entered Baja California Sur a couple of days ago, and now we are in a different state.  The time was 6:30 am on November 22!  The other big news is that we are now officially 1/2 way down the Baja coast!!!!!  This equates to paddling from Craig to Skagway so far.

We will post more tomorrow, but want everyone to know that we pulled in to Santa Rosalia this afternoon with calm seas.  We were greeted at the harbor by Kate and George, two people from Haines Junction that are down here sailing.  We met them up at San Francisquito, and they saw us paddling across the bay today, and had two cold beers waiting for us as we docked!

This leg has been a long one- 140 miles from LA Bay to here, and we put in a 30 mile day as well.  We met some interesting people, some of them Mexican Pangeros that were super nice to us along the way.  We are enjoying cold beer and are in the middle of some sort of political rally in our town.  We are continuing to enjoy our fish tacos, but along the way we have also had some scallops, oysters, and even had some ceviche and lobster with the Pangeros!

An interesting point is that we have noticed the Pangeros fishing methods have changed as we have moved on down the coast.  To start with they had piles of loose gillnet web in their boats for fishing small fish, then we saw long lines and short gillnets for squid, then we saw pot fishing for Cabrilla, then we saw some shark fishermen with bigger mesh gillnet, then we saw more longlines, and now we have seen hook and line fishing more like trolling.  What is next- a seiner?  Actually we saw a transvac pump here in Santa Rosalia today, so maybe we will see a seiner!

For those that are interested in birds, we have seen alot of them- but we agree that our favorite to watch is the Blue Footed  Boobie.  We love to watch their 200 foot dives straight down into the water to get a fish, and then pop up a few minutes later to do it all over again!  We also saw a rare red billed tropic bird- we didnt know they were rare until a lady at the museum in LA Bay told us that they were rarely seen here, so then we were impressed as well!

The water and food rations have been holding up really well, and in fact we have had people offer us water along the way, and we have turned them down because we are doing so well with what we have.  We still are burning more calories than we are eating, but thats going to be the way it is we think!  Tonight we are going out on the town and eat late and have a few drinks and probably stay up past our usual bed time of 6pm!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Guys! Keep traveling safely.

  2. Great to hear from you guys. Glad your trip has been going well. Happy Thanksgiving.
